This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Probabilities, Frequencies and More


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is the difference between a probability and a frequency?

  • First learning objective. (FIXME)

What is a probability?

There isn’t a single answer to this question, and any answer we might give is complicated by the fact that our every-day use of words like probability and likelihood does not necessarily match what statisticians mean when they use the same words.

Probabilities as Frequencies

In statistics, there are two basic ideas of what probabilities are. One line of thinking defines probabilities as frequencies: for example, if I flip a coin one hundred times, how often will it land heads up? In this line of thinking, to calculate a probability, you run an experiment very many times (for example your coin toss), and then record the number of times each outcome appears. The probability of each outcome is then defined as the fraction of times a certain outcome appeared compared to the total number of experiments.

In the coin toss example, let’s say we throw a coin ten times, and record the following sequence:


Here “H” stands for “heads” (i.e. the side of the coin that has someone’s head on it) and “T” stands for “tails” (the side of the coin without a head). If you sum up the number of times that heads came up, you find that six out of ten coin tosses showed heads, and four out of ten showed tails.

So, now I can ask you the question: what is going to come up on the next coin toss? Heads or tails?

Given the data you’ve gathered above, you might calculate the following probabilities:

You would answer that it’s slightly more probable that the next coin toss is a heads than a tails. Of course, this coin toss experiment suffers from an important shortcoming: we only tossed the coin ten times! That’s not a lot of experimental data, and so the limit becomes important: probabilities are generally defined as frequencies in the limit of very many repetitions of the same experiment.

This is the core idea of frequentist statistics.

Probabilities as Plausibilities

This definition of probability is extremely useful, but it has an important drawback: you can only define probabilities for quantities where you can repeat the same experiment very many times.

Here’s a different question to ponder: What is the probability of rain tomorrow?

This is a different question, because you can’t repeat the same experiment very many times, like you could with the coin toss. The weather tomorrow will depend on the overall climate, on your location on the Earth, and on the season (and probably some other factors I can’t think of right now). How would you do the same experiment many times?

In frequentist statistics, this problem often gets solved by the way of thought experiments: in practice, we can’t repeat the same experiment many times, but imagine we could. What are the frequencies you would get if you repeated tomorrow many times and recorded the weather every time?

There is another way to answer this question, but it requires us to define probability differently. What if instead of frequencies, probability described the plausibility of something happening? How reasonable is it that it’ll rain tomorrow? To answer that question, you might say “Well, I know I am in Amsterdam, and Amsterdam is generally pretty rainy, so it’s pretty plausible that it’ll rain tomorrow”. This kind of knowledge is called a prior, which we will explore more in later episodes.

Plausibilities have the advantage that we can write them down for things that aren’t inherently random, like our coin toss. They’re a core part of what is called Bayesian statistics, after Reverend Thomas Bayes, who first came up with some of the core ideas in this area of statistics.

Which is better?

In short, neither. Frequentist and Bayesian statistics are often presented as fundamentally opposite views of statistics, and are often pitched against one another (and there are some very strong opinions held on either side!).

In practical terms, don’t get too hung up on ideology. Bayesian statistics has some significant advantages for a number of problems, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is always the most useful thing to do in practice.

Know Your Assumptions

In practice, it is often the most valuable course of action to pick the approach that will yield trustworthy results while also being computationally feasible, regardless of which statistical tradition this approach is rooted in.

However, in either case, it is crucially important to know the assumptions your chosen method makes about your data and about the structure of your problem. There are many standard methods that make strong assumptions about what your data looks like, but are employed with data sets that break those assumptions. When you do that, you have to make sure that the results you get are still valid and trustworthy (for example using simulations).

It is equally important to write your assumptions down wne you publish your results.

Examples of Probabilities

Can you think of examples of probabilities defined as frequencies? Can you think of examples of probabilities that can’t be defined as frequencies?

Write down an example for each, then share and discuss with your neighbour?

Key Points

  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)