This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

A Gallery of Figures


Teaching: min
Exercises: min

This is a document where learners can share the data visualizations they’ve generated.

To add a visualization:

Here’s some sample code for you to use when adding a visualization to this file:

### Daniela's fancy new visualization

This is a visualization I made for this exercise. It is awesome!

![add your alternative text here](../fig/myvizname)

You can find the code or Jupyter notebook for this figure [at this address](add/your/repository/here).

If you copy and paste this code from the website, you should be fine. Replace the placeholder text for the alternative text in the square brackets, myvizname with the filename of your image file, and the dummy add/your/repository/here for the link.

If you copy-paste this in the markdown file directly, please remove the > that appear before the text and the commands, and remove the {: .source} marker at the end. These are commands that tell the compiler to display the commands on screen, rather interpret them as commands.

Key Points